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We accept the following payment options:

  • BACS – Our preferred option for the online store is via bank transfer.
  • Cash on Delivery – Our preferred option for collection of merchandise on match days and social events at Exmouth Town FC.
  • Paypal – We can accept payments via Paypal. However, we would prefer to avoid Paypal transaction fees so that all money we receive can be put towards projects and events at Exmouth Town FC.

Please note that shipping fees will only be carried through to your order if you live outside of the local area.

Members should add their coupon code into the box below.

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Are you aware that we operate a pop-up shop at Exmouth Town FC on most matchdays where you can try on and purchase our goods or raise any enquiries.

Please understand that our pop-up and online shops are operated by volunteers.

We currently only have one person capable of dealing with online orders. We would normally expect to respond to receiving your order within 48 hours and post any goods, subject to stock levels, within 7 days. However, there may be odd times when delays are slightly longer due to holiday or illness, so please bear with us during these times. If you hear nothing within 7 days, you can email us at and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. If you are not happy with your goods or the service provided for any reason, please call into our pop-up shop on a matchday or email the above address to request a replacement or a refund.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.