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Non League DogsThe Other Supporters

I suspect that you weren’t quite sure to expect when landing on this page. Hopefully, all will now be clear. Unlike some clubs, we are big fans of Non League Dogs.


Dillon (looks after Bill)

Dillon is a regular visitor to Southern Road on match days. However, he would much rather be on the pitch chasing after the match ball.

Terry (looks after Adam)

Tread carefully as Terry is only a titch and can’t quite see over the wall surrounding the pitch. He gets a tad cold at games so may well be cuddled up to the Vice Chairman for a bit of warmth.


Poppy (looks after Tim and Julie)

Grand old lady who is always on her best behaviour.

Archie (looks after Brian)

Ever the consummate professional, Archie insists on going through his stretching exercises as part of his pre-match routine.


Montague (looks after Jim and Ruth)

Monty is a true town supporter, born in a local hostelry often frequented on a Saturday evening by Town players along with many of the MTC. Seen here awaiting the start of the new season.

Sgt Frosty (looks after Big Bing)

Frosty attends games whenever possible, even managing to sneak into “No Dogs Allowed” Bodmin Town on one occasion.

Sgt Frosty

Blue (looks after Dave and Sadie)

Blue cheers on Dave from the sidelines, just making sure there are no dirty tackles going in on his favourite player.

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