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Upcoming Events

As we emerge from the current lockdown, we are looking to schedule some new events. On the calendar for this year, we hope to schedule a new series of music nights as soon as the clubhouse can reopen.

Please stay safe in these troubled times!

Ian Boyd

Music Night with Ian Boyd

Date: Friday, 30th July 2021 from 7pm
at Exmouth Town FC

The Exmouth Town Supporters Club and Exmouth Town FC are proud to present talented singer Ian Boyd, back to Southern Road once again.

Another great evening to look forward to, with free entry to all ETSC members on production of a valid membership card. Non-members and guests welcome with a small entry fee of £2 per person. Don’t miss it!

Recent Events

Quiz Night

Sam’s Sports Quiz

CANCELLED: Friday, 3rd April 2020 from 7pm
at Exmouth Town FC

Sadly, we have had to cancel this event as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.

Another great evening to look forward to, hosted by Quiz Master Sam. This time it’s the return of the popular sports quiz with Sam’s familiar ability to slot in a few obscure questions for the sporting badgers. All welcome!


Exmouth Town Supporters Club

Saturday, 7th March 2020 from 2:15pm
at Exmouth Town FC

An introduction to the Exmouth Town Supporters Club, the official supporters club of Exmouth Town FC representing the Mufftown Casuals.

Members of the newly formed committee will be available to talk about this exciting venture and what it means for you, the club and the local community. Be sure to attend to hear about our plans and what you can do to help us.

Curry Night

Curry Night

Saturday, 7th March 2020 from 7pm
at Exmouth Town FC

A “banging” curry night with all the bells and whistles, ice cream to follow. Tunes provided throughout the evening by DJ Colin. An evening hosted by Exmouth Town FC. Advanced entry at £10 per person.

Come and celebrate Kevin Hill’s 44th birthday. All welcome!

Contact Adam Fitzgerald on 07793731898 for booking and further information.

Mammoth Quiz

Mammoth Quiz

On behalf of Macmillan Cancer Support on Saturday, 28th February 2020 at Exmouth Town FC
£3 entry fee per person, teams of up to 6 members

To enter a team: Contact Marie on 01395 224145 or
by email to

Previous Events